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Atomic Scooter Group, Canberra Australia

10 Botany St, Phillip ACT 2606, Australia
Email: atomicscooter@hotmail.com
Belinda on 0434 180 315
Created by Belinda Hodgson
We are a group of Scooter riders who regularly get together for rides. We cater for learners through to experienced riders and have local rides for smaller scoots through to longer and further rides for highway capable scoots and riders. We also do regular overnight weekend runs.

The Atomic Scooter Riders are a non-constituted group.
Group members take full responsibility for their own persons and any property belonging to their own persons while taking part in any rides or activities organized by individuals or groups of individuals associated with the group.

All members participate in group activities at their own risk.

The organizers of any rides or activities will not and cannot be held liable for any loss or damage to property or injury to riders that may be taking part in any rides or activities that may be organized by members or groups of members of the group.

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Members (1)
Status update
Mar 22, 2011
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