John Harrell
Country | USA |
Region | OK |
Address | Dove Road, Locust Grove, Oklahoma | | |
Mobile phone | +(1) |
Age | 49 |
Birthday | 1975-10-04 |
Sex | Man |
Member since | 2016-12-01 |
Motorcykel | Yamaha Raider S |
Riding since | 1987 |
GPS | Garmin |
Have ridden bikes for 30 years. Currently riding a Raider S that has been completely customized. I know, I know.. I'm riding a Jap bike, but I'm an old crotch rocket kid and I couldn't come anywhere close to the torque and horsepower I'm running now with a Harley, with no disrespect. I usually ride solo(slick-back) but am actually considering joining a group/club possibly. If you're in any need for some wind therapy than hit me up sometime.
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