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MOTAT is home to New Zealand’s most unique and historic aviation collection. The Museum has embarked on a project to provide a new Aviation Display Hall so that this collection can be more appropriately housed and exhibited. The project is due for completion in 2011.

MOTAT has over 300,000 items in its collection. The Museum is organised into sections that work on various areas of the collection.

The Cars section showcases a huge variety of unique vehicles dating from the 1860\'s through to modern times.

The Aviation Collection includes aircraft from New Zealand\'s Civil Aviation and top Dressing history.

The Military Section tells the stories of New Zealanders at war through the transportation, equipment and technology our men and women used. The Military Photos Collection consists of various military vehicles, field and communication equipment and the more personal of wartime memorabilia.

Bus collection covers buses which operated in the outskirts of Auckland, connecting with Ferry Services and acting as Tramways feeder services. Eventually replacing the Tramway itself and enabled further urban sprawl.

MOTAT (Museum of Transport & Technology)

MOTAT is home to New Zealand’s most unique and historic aviation collection. The Museum has embarked on a project to provide a new Aviation Display Hall so that this collection can be more appropriately housed and exhibited. The project is due for completion in 2011.

MOTAT has over 300,000 items in its collection. The Museum is organised into sections that work on various areas of the collection.

The Cars section showcases a huge variety of unique vehicles dating from the 1860\'s through to modern times.

The Aviation Collection includes aircraft from New Zealand\'s Civil Aviation and top Dressing history.

The Military Section tells the stories of New Zealanders at war through the transportation, equipment and technology our men and women used. The Military Photos Collection consists of various military vehicles, field and communication equipment and the more personal of wartime memorabilia.

Bus collection covers buses which operated in the outskirts of Auckland, connecting with Ferry Services and acting as Tramways feeder services. Eventually replacing the Tramway itself and enabled further urban sprawl.
Tram 89

Great North Rd, Western Springs 1022

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