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4h 3 min
124 mile
A mix of the coast and small mountains. Leave Gunsan and head toward Gadeongni then cut West to Muchangpo Beach.  Stick tot he coastline and stop on the port at Maryang-ri.  This is a decent route in the cooler months, but may be more interesting along the coast during the summer.  On the Eastern side of the route there are not many gas stations.  Along the coast there are lots of gas stops.  If you are looking for seafood you can find it at Muchangpo or head a little further North and hit Deacheon Beach.  

All POI are only in place to create the proper track.  

North of Gunsan to and around Sucheon

A mix of the coast and small mountains. Leave Gunsan and head toward Gadeongni then cut West to Muchangpo Beach.  Stick tot he coastline and stop on the port at Maryang-ri.  This is a decent route in the cooler months, but may be more interesting along the coast during the summer.  On the Eastern side of the route there are not many gas stations.  Along the coast there are lots of gas stops.  If you are looking for seafood you can find it at Muchangpo or head a little further North and hit Deacheon Beach.  

All POI are only in place to create the proper track.  
North of Gunsan to and around Sucheon

26, South Korea

709, South Korea

709, South Korea

709, South Korea

26, South Korea

장산로, 29, South Korea

장산로, 29, South Korea

Seohaean Expressway, 15, South Korea

611, South Korea

613, South Korea

606, South Korea

607, South Korea

607, South Korea

서인로, South Korea

607, South Korea

21, South Korea

617, South Korea

617, South Korea

617, South Korea

금강로, 21, South Korea

709, South Korea

709, South Korea

709, South Korea

Je 709 Ho, 709, South Korea

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