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The Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame, established in March of 1992, is recognized as a publicly supported, non-profit, educational corporation. The museum is run by an all volunteer staff.
Unlike other automotive and motorcycle museums, The Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame focuses on people. The names and faces of the pioneers of motorcycling and their contributions are captured in photographs and biographies throughout the museum.
The display of this memorabilia insures that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the history of early American 2-wheeled ingenuity, and that its legacy be preserved.
With the new interest in antique and classic motorcycles, a worldwide demand has developed for these machines, and anything associated with them. The drastic decline in the number of old bikes and memorabilia available for sale is alarming. Our history and heritage along with these machines will disappear across the water, when they are gone, they are gone forever.

To allow these valuable examples to disappear from the American culture will be a tragedy.

Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame

The Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame, established in March of 1992, is recognized as a publicly supported, non-profit, educational corporation. The museum is run by an all volunteer staff.
Unlike other automotive and motorcycle museums, The Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame focuses on people. The names and faces of the pioneers of motorcycling and their contributions are captured in photographs and biographies throughout the museum.
The display of this memorabilia insures that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the history of early American 2-wheeled ingenuity, and that its legacy be preserved.
With the new interest in antique and classic motorcycles, a worldwide demand has developed for these machines, and anything associated with them. The drastic decline in the number of old bikes and memorabilia available for sale is alarming. Our history and heritage along with these machines will disappear across the water, when they are gone, they are gone forever.

To allow these valuable examples to disappear from the American culture will be a tragedy.

5865 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

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