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Important and famous machines are forever being added to our collection.
It is a place where ‘Legends Live On’ and it is a tribute to and a living record of this once great British industry that dominated world markets for some sixty years.
It is a place where an older generation can once again view with nostalgia the machines they rode in days gone by, and younger generations can study the development of the motorcycle from its earlier days to the golden years of the 1930s-60s, when British motorcycles ‘ruled the world’.
A fully licensed self-service restaurant and a bike museum gift shop is available throughout opening hours, but it is the motorcycles that most visitors will come to see, and we wish them a very happy time with us amidst the glittering paint, chrome and nickel of the past.
The National Motorcycle Museum is recognised as the finest and largest motorcycle museum in the world. Our aim is to make it even better.

The National Motorcycle Museum

Important and famous machines are forever being added to our collection.
It is a place where ‘Legends Live On’ and it is a tribute to and a living record of this once great British industry that dominated world markets for some sixty years.
It is a place where an older generation can once again view with nostalgia the machines they rode in days gone by, and younger generations can study the development of the motorcycle from its earlier days to the golden years of the 1930s-60s, when British motorcycles ‘ruled the world’.
A fully licensed self-service restaurant and a bike museum gift shop is available throughout opening hours, but it is the motorcycles that most visitors will come to see, and we wish them a very happy time with us amidst the glittering paint, chrome and nickel of the past.
The National Motorcycle Museum is recognised as the finest and largest motorcycle museum in the world. Our aim is to make it even better.

Coventry Rd, Birmingham B26 3

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