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App - How to capture a screenshot

Wednesday, September 9, 2020 @ 13:30

When using the Tourstart app or web page on the SmartPhone or tablet there might come some questions or comments. 

We are always very happy to answer and help. As to give you the best service, it will be very useful to have a screenshot where the problem or question originates from. 

Each phone has its own way of capturing a screen shot. Here are a few. You can always search on the internet for how it is done on your specific phone.



Screen shot of this Samsung Android is done by simultaneous pressing "Power" and "Volume"

Screen shot of Android


iPhone 11

On the iPhone 11 you have to press on "Power" and "Volumen up" simultaneous.

Screen shot iPhone 11


iPhone 6

On the iPhone 16 you press the "screen button" and "Power"

iPhone 10 and previous models


Now you just have to attch this to an e-mail and send to info@tourstart.org with your question or comment.

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